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Low Back Pain Relief

December 23, 20247 min read

7 Effective Extension Exercises for Low Back Pain Relief: Go Back to Your Normal Life!


Low back pain is one of the most prevalent reasons that would cause people to stay away from work, request medical assistance, and refrain from pneumatic activity. The low back pain ends up in the following areas of the American Chiropractic Association, which states that 80% of people will have a complaint about some lower backache. It does not matter whether the pain is caused by incorrect alignment, muscle pain, or even a more serious illness such as a bulging disk; exercises are vital to relieving pain as quickly as possible.

Extension exercises involve certain muscles, ligaments, and structures surrounding the vertebrae extending to the spine. These are low back pain management and prevention exercises that not only help decrease stiffness in the back but also improve flexibility and strength, which will lead to the ability to perform many more daily activities.

In this blog, we will discuss and learn different exercises to relieve low back pain. Specifically, we will cover 7 extension exercises you can do at home. So, let's start and work on achieving a more pain-free back quickly and effectively!


Understanding The Importance of Extension Exercises for Low Back Pain

Spending a lot of time sitting at one's desk in a slouched position can cause the back to become too rounded. Extension exercises are popular because they target this weakness by extending the spine in a controlled manner. These exercises also work well to strengthen the lower back and abdominal muscles.

Furthermore, while there can be a vast range of extension exercises, targeting which specific parts of the body is generally the question, Lumbar extension exercises are said to work best to relieve pain in the lower back region when done correctly.

Incorporating extension exercises into your daily routine can help reduce the chances of the pain returning while simultaneously relieving your lower back pain.

1. Cobra Stretch (Prone Back Extension)


How to do it:

The Cobra stretch requires one to lie down on their stomach, with palms placed underneath the shoulders. Gradually press the hands onto the floor while lifting the chest away from it, with the aim of looking upwards. Maintain this posture for 15 to 30 seconds, then return to the original position. This is done 5-10 times in total.

Why it works:

The Cobra stretch is a vital extension exercise that particularly targets the muscles in the lower back. It enhances the extension of the spine and decreases the pressure the discs place on the individual.  

2. Superman Exercise


How to do it:

To perform the Superman exercise, lie down flat on the ground with your body facing downwards and arms outstretched at the front. Gradually lift your chest, arms, and legs above the ground while maintaining the new position for 3-5 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat this 10-12 times.

Why it works:

Due to the Superman exercise, the muscles around the spine, such as the shoulder pain, glutes, and erector spinae, tend to be strengthened. Strengthening these muscles is crucial in fighting against the pain experienced by the lower back and in enhancing the overall posture of the body.

3. Cat-Cow Stretch


How to do it:

To start this stretch, get in a tabletop position. Inhale as you make an arch in your back (cow pose) while raising your head and tailbone. In the following position, tucking your chin into your chest, exhale as you bend your spine into a rounded position (cat pose). Do a repeating cycle for around 10 to 15 breaths.

Why it works:

Anyone with a desk job or stiffness in their spine would benefit from the Cat-Cow stretch as it targets spinal flexibility, mobility, and stress relief. It also works on gently stretching and toning the middle of the back and the upper back pain points, giving you a more robust spinal alignment.

4. Pelvic Tilt


How to do it:

This stretch can be done by laying flat on your back with your knees bent. While tightening your abdominal muscles, apply pressure from your lower back against the floor. This should allow your pelvis to shift/tilt upwards. Maintain this position for a count of five before recouping and repeating the exercise 10 to 15 times.

Why it works:

Pelvic tilt is an abrasion-free stretch specifically designed to strengthen the weakened muscles in the abdomen and lower back. Additionally, this movement helps realign the natural curvature of the spine while reducing pain in the lower back region.

5. Bridge Exercise


How to do it:

Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the surface. Then, engage your abs and glutes, lifting your hips towards the ceiling until your knees and shoulders align. You can maintain this position for 5-10 seconds before lowering yourself. Repeating this process about 15 times should be ideal here.  

Why it works:  

Like hip extension, the bridge seems to be an effective exercise for strengthening the buttocks, hamstrings, and other lower back muscles supporting the spine. It also relieves lower back muscle tension and improves posture because the core is activated through glute movement.  

6. Knee-to-Chest Stretch


How to do it:

Start by positioning yourself on your back with your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent. From this position, pull a single knee to your chest, supporting this knee with both your arms to hold it for 20 to 30 seconds. You can then switch legs and repeat the same process twice or thrice.

Why it works:

This stretch focuses on the lower back region and the glutes, reducing tightness and pressure in the spine. It's a great way to decompress the spine while gently making it more flexible.

7. Seated Spinal Extension

How to do it:

To do this stretching exercise, sit comfortably in a chair with your back straight and your feet firmly on the ground. With your hands clasped behind your head, lean back gently while extending your spine as far back as is comfortable. Maintain that posture for 10-15 seconds before returning to the starting point. Do this 5 to 10 times.

Why it works:

This seated spine stretch is known to increase the reach of the lumbar area while easing any tightness that may be bothering it. This move works wonders for office workers, and people stuck in cars for prolonged periods.

Frequently Asked Questions About Extension Exercises for Low Back Pain

How often should I do these exercises?

To get the most out of these exercises, try to perform them at least three or four times weekly. But if you haven't been exercising for quite some time and are suffering from excruciating pain, begin gently without rushing so you don't hurt yourself, and as time goes on, attempt to increase how frequently you perform the workouts.  

Can these exercises help with herniated discs?

Yes, these extension exercises will inevitably assist with herniated disc pain by alleviating stress from the herniated discs while simultaneously restoring the alignment of the vertebrae. But if you have a herniated disc, remember to seek advice from a physiotherapist for safe and practical guidelines.

How long before I feel relief?

Many individuals say they no longer feel pain after performing these exercises. However, it may take several weeks before full resolution is achieved, and the period may vary depending on the severity of the condition at hand.

Can I do these exercises if I have osteoarthritis?

Yes, these exercises are efficient against osteoarthritis by improving the tightness and muscle strength around the lower back area. If you have arthritis, please ask your doctor how you might modify the exercises to fit your condition.

What if I experience pain while doing these exercises?

If you, too, are feeling a little discomfort, that's fine, but cuts would be made if sharp or severe pains were to be experienced. You might need to change the position or ask a physiotherapist to help ensure that the right movement is being made in the first place.


Low back pain has the potential to hinder many people, but the incorporation of extension exercises and taking on specific regimens can prove to be revolutionary. These regimens target the muscles, ligaments, and joints in the immediate area around your spine, ensuring you lower your pain while improving overall mobility. The 7 back exercises we discussed today only require three to work into your daily regime over time, and they contribute tremendously to the strength of your spine in return.

Consistency is paramount, and if pain does not subside over time, you should see a physiotherapist. They can give you specific instructions and show you how to create a plan that works for you.

Physio sensation can assist you in regaining your health and wellness. Contact our expert by setting an appointment Sports Physio Ireland.

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